Thursday, December 6, 2012

Something Special!!!

There is something special about December.  When living in the desert, we don't always have the chill in the air or the snow on the ground. Being raised in Northeast Ohio, I was a child of snow days, snowball throwing, snowmen building, etc. from the time I could walk.  When I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1996, it was definitely a different climate to accept.  I quickly discovered that the holidays are what you make it.  While I was a teacher, the time between Thanksgiving and Winter Break were the fastest three weeks known to man.  Fine Arts Week would need to be developed, winter concerts would need to be performed, parades would need to be marched, and then it was Christmas.  The bustle was the only thing that could be enjoyed because there wasn't time for anything else.

Since I have left the teaching profession, I have had some time to reflect on a lot of experiences.  I wouldn't trade my 17 years of teaching for anything, because it has made me the woman I am today.  I would have loved to stop and enjoy the great aspects of my career, including my students, my colleagues, and the music.  So much of who we are as people get lost in today's society. I am a wife, a mother, a sales director, a private lesson teacher, a clinician, an oboist.  I can wear one hat, or all of them at once, depending on the time of day.  My story is no different than any adult's in today's world.  We are constantly pulled in multiple directions, and rarely have time to take a breath and enjoy the moment.

This year, I have looked forward to playing, and using my oboe as my outlet.  Music-making was the part that I knew I would miss as a conductor, but I was looking forward to becoming a better oboist by playing in Las Vegas' Contemporary Wind Ensemble, The Desert Winds.  I have used the weekly rehearsals as my escape, and enjoy the people who are a part of this group and creating something truly special.  Each concert gives us new challenges as an ensemble.  Our musicianship is elevated, our passion for what we do is ignited, and I know our audience base is expanding because of it.

I have been able to look forward to our upcoming Christmas Concerts with a renewed energy and excitement!  Each rehearsal brings us closer in our preparation.  Each nuance that is added creates more opportunities for enjoyment from both the musician and the audience member.  The literature we will be performing on both nights is fun to play and extremely enjoyable to listen to as an audience member.  If you haven't been to a Desert Winds concert, now is the time to make plans to do so! December 14 will be at Community Lutheran Church and December 15 will be at Green Valley United Methodist Church.  Both concerts start at 7:30pm.  Even though we won't have freezing temperatures or snow, you will be put into the Christmas Spirit!  I know that if you attend either of these nights, you will be entertained, energized with something so special I cannot begin to put it into words, and you will become a fan of this great ensemble.  I hope to see you

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